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What are the Top Compositions Recorded in IMSLP Liszt

When it's a conversation about versatility and great creative ambitions, Franz Liszt will be the winner. He was the top among the legends of the 19th century.

When it's a conversation about versatility and great creative ambitions, Franz Liszt will be the winner. He was the top among the legends of the 19th century. The star music composer has swooned over the hearts of many through his prolific compositions, conduction, and piano playing. All through the European continent, there was no other artist to experience this level of fame in their lifetime. Even today, many composers aspire to touch a bit of his creativity. It has been recorded in history that his admirers used to travel from countries and continents to meet him during his tours. 

This innovative and experimental performer who won the love of many left the stage of life forever after giving a colossal amount of music recorded in IMSLP Liszt. They included piano works, orchestra, and vocals. All of them applauded and ushered in with the love of his fans.

Top 3 Hidden Gems of IMSLP Liszt 

IMSLP Liszt has records of Franz’s life as an artist who enjoyed playing piano, creative music, and immersing in the pleasures of creativity. The technical transformations he played while keeping in balance with the harmonic daring and innovative forms were impeccable. Are you curious about his creations? Get a glimpse of them from these top 3 hidden gems of his IMSLP. 

1. Mephisto Waltz No.1

You can find four Mephisto Waltzes created by Franz Liszt. However, you can see from other artists' works, such as IMSLP Rimksy Korsakov, that the first part of any composition is always at the top of popularity. This is the same case with the Mephisto Waltzes. If you study German folk literature, you will know that waltz is the most celebrated demon. His other name is Mephistopheles. This composition is written in the form of a story that involves Mephistopheles and Faust. 

They both take part in a village wedding party. The celebrations turn into woes when the demon plays a seductive melody from his violin. This gives Faust a chance to whisk away with a maiden in twirls and turns. 

2. La Lugubre Gondola No.2

The La Lugubre Gondola No. 2 is written as a tribute to Liszt’s son-in-law and a close friend. When he was returning after a visit from his daughter’s home, Liszt began having premonitions of Richard Wagner’s death. His son-in-law was close to leaving the world, and he was surrounded by darkness and moody thoughts. Hence, during his return from Venice’s Grand Canal in late 1882, he began creating this masterpiece. 

This composition was played at Richard Wagner’s funeral. It depicts a scenery where a journey is being initiated in an aquatic state, and the city is beside you, traveling towards the railway station. The next you see is that you are on a train in the same listless form heading towards Bayreuth. The Journey ends with the waves lapping on both sides as Listz ends running his fingers on the keyboard. Like the emotional depth of Beethoven's piano sheet music, this piano composition by Franz has shaken the hearts in the depths of darkness. 

3. Transcendental Études, No.4: Mazeppa

This musical masterpiece was an earworm for the listeners and Liszt alike. What an obsession it was! Even Franz List could never forget the influence of it until he created two compositions for it. The first was Mazeppas, published in 1852. It, too, has a historical connection. The date goes back to the times when a Ukrainian hero thrived with the name of Ivan Mazepa. This hero has been a source of inspiration to write about in poems, arts, playwrights, and various musical compositions. 

Franz Liszt did the same but in an innovative way. He wrote about his torments when he was scouted naked, and tied on a horse when a powerful man caught him with his wife in an explicit way. The wild horse galloped loose through the Russian plains till its death. You can listen to semi-quavers galloping and a jagged waltzing melody in his composition. In the end, the piece gives the effect of a chaotic stumble, signifying the finale. 

Delve into Legendary Works and Evolve Your Musical Understanding!

Franz Liszt wrote many beautiful records in his IMSLP Liszt. As a music student, you can listen to his record and garner a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Also, you can try finding works of other legendary musicians on popular IMSLPs to expand your musical understanding. In this direction, Sheet Music International can be the best source. This is a musical library that you have been seeking, and you can access the most legendary records for free by simply downloading them. So, what are you waiting for? Download the work of your favorite composer now for free!

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