sheet music international

Frequently Asked Questions

Sheet Music International is a subscription based virtual library of public domain sheet music with world wide distribution housing the worlds greatest works.  Music on this website is either in public domain or has been uploaded for distribution by copyright owner.  Music found to infringe copyright will be removed.


Sheet Music International is a public repository that serves as a collection agency with servers in Canada and the United States. We assume no liability or responsibility for downloading or uploading files not in public domain in your country. Please respect copyright laws in your country.


You will see watermarks if you have not logged into an account.  Log into any free or premium account and re-download the watermarked file.
Free Basic Accounts: 
    No watermarks,
    Free account has a 10 second delay when loading individual .pdf's.
Premium Account (paid subscription)
    No Watermarks
    No delay popup
    You may need to redownload watermarked music after logging in

If you still see a watermark it is because your computer is remembering the page you downloaded earlier instead of re-downloading the page.   Solution is to clear your cash.  On a windows system Hold the shift and control key while pressing the letter R.  That will clear your computer.  If you are using an apple system To clear your history and cookies, go to Settings > Safari, and tap Clear History.

Search Boxes?

Composer: Enter the name of the composer in this box to see all of their music.
Composition Box: Enter the name of a work you are searching for.  Often less information works best.
To find all arrangements by Beethoven written by other composers, enter Beethoven in the composition search box and it will search all of the sub folders.

Search Not Found:  The work may be in the library even if the search engine does not locate it.  Try browsing the library's directory by clicking on Renown Composers, Composer, School Music or enter less information in the search box.

Avoid Plural:  If you search for Duets instead of Duet, it will omit all files labeled duet.  The less you enter in the search the more results will be returned.  Search Symphony not symphonies etc. 

composition search example:   Enter "choral fantaly op. 80"  (no results found)
                                                       Enter  "choral fantasy"           (results found)

The search engine was written in English.  Performing a search for keywords like Lent or Easter in the composition search box using a different language may not work.  However

Links in the table on the Church Music Page will work in any language.

Personal Library:

The personal library is one of the most useful features of this website. You can bookmark music to your library or upload music obtained from any source, and share it with friends on a permanent or temporary basis.

Bookmark your favorite selections from this website for quick reference by clicking the bookmark icon. Music uploaded to your personal library is private. You are the only one that has access to it unless you choose to share a piece.

Premium Account (paid subscription)
Music in your personal library can be shared on a temporary basis by copying it to the temporary performance tab and sharing if from there. When you delete the music from the temporary tab, no music is deleted from your personal library, but the links shared will be broken so the individuals you shared the music with will no longer have access to it.

Share music on a temporary basis:
School Music Direcgtory Question
Music in your personal library can be shared on a temporary basis by copying it to the temporary performance tab and sharing if from there. When you delete the music from the temporary tab, no music is deleted from your personal library, but the links shared will be broken so the individuals you shared the music with will no longer have access to it.

This is ideal if for sharing copyrighted music with a reading orchestra for example. Musicians can perform the music with you, yet they do not have access to permanent copies.
Music bookmarked from the public library and shared from your temporary tab is not broken when the file is removed from the temporary tab.

Sharing Music: You may share a single .pdf, or a folder with many .pdf's with a single click. If you click the mail icon, it will launch the e-mail program on your computer with a link you can send to any individual or group. Clicking the link will take them to that folder on the website.

If you select share icon. You will be given a link you can copy into an e-mail, or .html page to the folder, or individual .pdf. This is very advantagious if you are sending a large file, or a folder with many .pdf's as most e-mail programs are limited by file size.

You may also download and share any .pdf from your computer. Be aware, if you download a watermarked copy, you will be sharing a watermarked copy.

Very Useful Feature:  You may place a group of works in a folder in your personal library and share it from the temporary performance tab or the personal library tab.  An entire concert's selections may be shared with one URL and opened with a single click. 

If you share copyrighted music from the Temporary Performance tab, when you delte the music from the temporary tab all links shared to it will no longer work, thus removing access to the music.

What music is free to download?

All public domain music is free to download along with any copyrighted music that we have been given permission to make available.  Music under copyright may be purchased.

What is a .xml or a .musicxml file?

This is a universal file format for music engraving programs.  Some browsers may display the file as HTML text.  If your browser does that just save the file.  When you open it, it will be opened correctly by your engraving program. 

.xml filea are readable by over 125 different typesetting programs and may be used to transfer files between programs like Finale, Sibelius, MuseScore etc.

This format is the most accurate and .xml files require less editing when uploaded to a program that did not creat the file. 


Do you share our e-mail or other information with associates?

No! Your information is used internally only. 


What is the Reknown Composers and Composers Library?

Major Composers is a library of main stream composers whose music is most commonly performed. Composers is a library of all public domain composers and their music, including Renown Composers.

School Music Directory?

This is a library of music for classroom use. Includes simplified arrangements, works written for level 1,2,3, and 4 band/strings/orchestra, selected works appropriate for students, methods and teaching materials including scales and etudes.

Teachers are encouraged to share materials they have written with other educators in this library.

Repertoire lists?

The Repertoire list is a hand generated list of suggested music for various venues. (not a complete list) ie. Violin, String Orchestra, Trombone etc. 

Some works may not be linked correctly to music in the library.   It may be in the library even if the link is incorrect.  If a link does not work, try browsing the composer's name for the composition.  It's probably there. 

Printing Problems:

Printers also have the options in their settings to “print to page size” that you may find useful.

Sharing Music:

There are 3 ways to share music from this website.

Download and save a .pdf to your computer. Then send it via e-mail
Click the Mail Icon to launch your mail program and send a link. This works for both folders and files on this website. 

Click the Share icon. Copy and past the link displayed into an e-mail or HTML page. This works for both folders and files on this website.

Very Useful:  You may add music to folders in your personal library and share music for an entire concert with one URL.  One click will then display all of the music for that concert. 

Protecting copyrighted music:  If you copy the music to the Temporary Performance tab and share it from there, the links to any copyrighted music or music you have uploaded to your personal library will cease to work when you delete the music from the Temp performance tab.

Search Problems:

The Search engine was written in English.  If you are performing a search for keywords such as Lent, or Easter in another language, in the composition search box.  The search may not work at this time.  You may need to browse the directory. 

Church Music Page:  If you click a link in the table on the Church Music Page, they work in any language.  The screen will be translated, but the programmed search will use terms the search engine recognizes. 

not found: If your search does not turn up an item it does not mean it is not in the library.  The search engine helps you locate music but it does not contain all possible keywords you may search by.  Try browsing the composers directory.




What is the difference between IMSLP and Sheet Music International?

IMSLP stands for the International Music Score Library project.  It houses a large library of classical sheet music and is oriented toward scholary work and archives.  Sheet Music International is the same type library but it is oriented more toward the music performer and offers tools convenient for persormers that want to bookmark music for later or share entire programs or sets of music with others.


What is Musescore and how does it compare to Sheet Music International?
Musescore is a library of sheet music, most of which is free to download for members that pay a fee.  It is designed mainly for composers and arrangers to publish arrangements of works they have made and make them available online.  Some are free, some are for sale.  It is a huge library and does not always contain music of much substance. 

Sheet Music International Highlights the Greatest msuic by the greatest composers and lists a separate large composer library for lesser known composers.  The library is HUGE.  The size of IMSLP and consists of music of substance in the mainstream prepertoire for all instruments and ensembles. 


Sheet Music Plus is a repository of music for sale.  It contains formally published material, popular songs arrangements and works people write that they would like to receive payment for.  It does not offer music free of charge.
Sheet Music International is a repository of public domain music and it is offered without charge, free to download without advertisements, gimicks, or screen redirects.  The website is designed to make it as easy as possible for people to find what they are looking for rather than show them material they want you to purchase.  


What is Music Notes and how does it compare to Sheet Music International?
Music Notes is a website where individuals contribute their own arrangements, some of which they wish to sell.  If you look up Beethoven Symphony 7 for example it will offer to sell you a flute trio of the theme.  

If you look up Beethoven Symphony 7 on Sheet Music International, you get all of the orchestra parts, a separate folder with different editions including parts, and another folder of arrangements for aveious ensembles, along with multiple choices for scores.  All of these are 100% free to download, bookmark or share with others.

What is Free-Scores and how does it compare to Sheet Music International?
Free-Scores offers arrangements of works.  It is somewhat clumsy to find what you are looking for and has a limited amount of choices.  If you look up Beethoven Symphony 1 for example you will be offered: Themes from Symphonies 1--9 for Alto Sax or Clarinet, Symphony 8 for piano etc.  

With Sheet Music International you get what you are looking for.  If you look up Beethoven Symphony 1 you have all of the parts to the original symphony, multiple editions, and separate folders with arrangements available for other instruments and ensembles.  Each of them will be for the composition you searched for, not something else. 


What is the Mutopia Project and how does it compare to Sheet Music International?
The Mutopia Project is relatively small with a couple thousand works.  It offersmixed genres.  Sheet Music International is a massive collection of music housing music of the worlds greatest composers through the centuries.  

Walter Cosand Scores

Walter Cosand offers one of the largest collections of free piano music in the world.  Compiled by my friend Dr. Walter Cosand
How does this compare to Sheet Music International.  Sheet Music International contains the piano music for most of these works but in cases where there are full orchestral accompaniments and arrangements woth other ensembles available, those parts are also available for download.  The Cosand library is great, but it is limited mostly to piano scores.  Sheet Music International also contains smart search engines to sort by composer or titles along with repertoire lists.

New York Philharmonic Digital Archive

The New York Philharmonic is an online reference library where you can view parts to individual works for scholary work, view bowings etc.  It does not offer the ability to download and print parts.  Site tends to be heavily watermarked from time to time as well to prevent people from downloading music. 
Sheet Music Internation offers downloadable public domain music for free.  It does not contain for viewing the copyrighted music available on the New York Philharmonic website.

JW Pepper

JW Pepper is a music publisher much like Lucks music but they have a large selection of educational material and band arrangements as well.  Unline Sheet Music International, their music is mainly available for purchase only. 

Lucks Sheet Music Library

Lucks Music is a publisher of orchestral music.  Both music for purchase and music for rent.  It is a great resource but the music is not free.

American European Music EAM  

American European Music specializes in rental music.  It is somewhat challenging to work with in that it requires you to have an ASCAP or BMI license before they will give you a quote.  THey do not advertise prices and charge each individual differently based on information they collect about the end user such as size of the group, average ticket price, company gross income, how many concerts, is it going to be streamed etc.  Then they will accept a submission of a quote and get back to you via e-mail with a response.  They do not take orders over the phone and are somewhat time consuming to deal with but they have good material.  

Sheet Music International does not rent music.  

Shirmer Music (Wise and Zinfonia

Schirmer is a large music publisher.  Their rental music is available through online.  Thery have a large selection of music, but none if free.



Whal is and how does it compare to Sheet Music International Hymn collection? is a comprehensive indes of hymns and hymnals.  It also contains hymn arrangements that can be purchased.  The site can be difficult to navigate but it is a massive collection.  It also lists information about hymns such as tune title, meter, and text.  Downloadable .pdf's available.  It also lists in hymnal style groups of hymns in .pdf format

Sheet Music Internationa has a large collection of Hymns divided into two different libraries.  The first has the more reknowned hyms and hymns that use the greatest music.  The hymns in the composer library contains both the reknowned hymns along with many others.  Different hymns that use the same tune are also displayed where available with both music and alternate texts along with hymn information such as meter.  Library is a collection of works from over 300 hymnals. 

The Open Hymnal 

What is the open Hymnal website and how does it compare to Sheet Music International?   Very nice well organized collection but not huge.  It also has section laid out in hymnal style with groups of songs in a .pdf

Sheet Music International Hymns folder has a somewhat different layout and is a much larger collection.  Both offer text, sheet music and are alphabetically Sheet Music International also allows searching by meter to assist users finding other tunes that can be used for the text.  

Timeless Truths

Timeless truths is a website with a nice collection of hymns.  Some hymns have Russian, Englith and German Texts.  It is laid out alphabetically.

Sheet Music International includes most of these hymns along with hymns from hundreds of other hymnals.  Different layout but both work well. 

Public Domain Hymns

Nicely alphabetically laid out collection of hymns.  Clean .pdfs in hymnal format free to download.  Also listed by Tune and list of songs for Children.
Sheet Music International Hymns has a different structure but lays out hymns alphabetically.  Each hymn folder contains notated music, and where available separate text, text with music and text with alternate melodies.  When available .mxl files may be downloaded.  .mxl is a universal format compatable with most all typesetting programs.  This enables the church director to create different printed versions quickly or transpose music to another key.


New format template

Fro etc.  

With e. 


Sheet music international